Welcome back, everyone! I have more swatches of new indie company Dark Matter Makeup for you today :) I had initially swatched their entire catalog
here and the lovely owner Dom asked if she could use my swatches for her site. Obviously I said yes (what a huge honor!) and to thank me for it, she sent me samples of her recently released Zodiac collection for free! Now she ships things super quickly but the weather has been terrible in the US and mail was getting delayed here and there. Also, I've noticed that the route USPS decides to take from her state to mine is really long. None of this is Dom's fault, since she tends to drop off packages the day of purchase, but from there on USPS decides to go on a joyride before arriving at NYC.
I'd be seeing a good amount of Zodiac swatches popping up on /r/IMAM, so I was getting really excited! As soon as my package showed up, I wanted to do swatches immediately while I still had some daylight. Included with my package was a sweet thank you card :')
Since her samples come in little centrifuge vials, it's a bit tricky to get product onto your brush. I've seen some people suggest getting some product onto the cap and dipping your brush there; unfortunately, that wasn't an option for me because the brush I use is quite wide. I did the previous swatches by covering the opening with my finger, shaking the vial several times to get some product, and swatching with whatever was on my finger. I wasn't getting much product that way and it was really hindering my swatching so I started pouring product onto my palm and using it from here. I'd get more product out that way and yielded more even swatches this time around, so I may redo the Cluster 1 & Cluster 2 later on.
Pictures taken in daylight and swatched over Notoriously Morbid Shadow Bind (top half) and ELF Essential Primer (bottom half)
Capricorn |
Capricorn: orchid with pink and gold shimmers
Aquarius |
Aquarius: absolutely stunning blurple with strong gold sheen. This was definitely a stunner, the gold sheen glows even without having to pack the shadow on.
Pisces |
Pisces: pigmented teal with silver sparkles. This one stains! Don't apply this with your fingers and make sure to use a good base/primer.
Aries |
Aries: beautiful shimmery white gold. This one is gorgeous and very pigmented.
Taurus |
Taurus: gorgeous brown with pink shimmers
Gemini |
Gemini: purple with pink shimmers
Daylight: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini |
Cancer |
Cancer: fuchsia with blue sheen
Leo |
Leo: shimmery coral with silver sparkles
Virgo |
Virgo: shimmery pale lavender with gold sheen. Woot, my star sign! Too bad I don't have the stereotypical Virgo traits and I don't care for lighter, girlier colors, but I can appreciate the quality of this shade.
Libra |
Libra: beautiful magenta with strong gold sheen. This one is another knockout with a strong duochrome!
Scorpio |
Scorpio: stunning plum base with strong blue sheen. This one is pigmented and amazing too! Seriously, Dom knows what she's doing with her duochromes. Scorpio is a must have.
Sagittarius |
Sagittarius: sparkly steely blue-gray with multicolored sparkles. Look at that pigmentation! This one is so unique, I couldn't figure out what was going on with all those sparkles and I'm so impressed at how pigmented it is even over a regular, non-sticky primer.
Daylight: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius |
Overall, I'm blown away by Dark Matter's sophomore collection! For such a new company, the eyeshadow formula keeps getting better. I need to include a special shoutout to Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. The duochrome, texture, and complexity of those shades are fantastic. Honestly, I'd recommend picking up the whole collection, everything is pigmented, bright, and easy to use. I still have trouble using the vials though, I don't want to depot them because they're so darn cute, but so hard to use! If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know :O
Again, I'd like to thank Dom for sending these to me; they were wonderful and I can't wait to use these babies in some eye looks!
- Jolie ♥
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