This review has been a long, long time coming, but it's a pretty new record for me. This huge haul was actually two separate orders from Victorian Disco Cosmetics awhile back. The first one was when they released the Crystalline Affections collection for Valentine's Day, which features eyeshadows inspired by the couples of Final Fantasy. The eyeshadows only came in full-sized jars and could not be separated. What I found hilarious is that they included an AerisxCloudxTifa trio for the infamous love triangle (although you could always buy CloudxAeris or CloudxTifa). My second order was for their subscription for February, this is the first time I'm trying their subscription and I figured I might as well try because the Adventure Time collection also released. I threw in a few samples from that collection when I made my subscription order.
I asked the owner, Ashley, if she could ship them together since the Crystalline Affections order was not out yet. She has amazing customer service so of course she said yes. However, she was pretty overwhelmed with orders so this took awhile to get to me and USPS held my package for TWO weeks before they processed it. Since this is a pretty big haul, I'm splitting it into three parts (all within this post), the first will be Crystalline Affections, then February Subscription, then the samples.
As usual, pictures are all taken in daylight and swatches are done on bare skin:
Rosa |
Rosa: white gold with pink sheen. This is a gorgeous color, unfortunately it spilled a little bit during the transit. The sifter sticker was still intact, so I'm assuming it spilled out of the sides of the sifter. The jar also came half empty, so I messaged Ashley and she's sending me out a deluxe sample baggie to make up for it. She offered to send me a full-sized replacement, but I declined, since I still had half a jar left; I wouldn't want to take advantage of her kindness.
Cecil |
Cecil: light (almost white) blue with white sparks
Celes |
Celes: light orange with gold sparks. This was another one that spilled ever so slightly, but the jar was half empty. I was so confused, but Ashley is sending me another deluxe baggie so yay!
Locke |
Locke: dark brown with a red tint and microshimmer. I couldn't quite make out what color the microshimmer was, but this is a pigmented eyeshadow.
Aeris |
Aeris: pigmented and soft lilac-pink. Oh Aeris. You're my favorite and I root for you, but you
always die on me. As soon as I opened my package, I found that Aeris had spilled out of the jar and onto all of the other jars. It was even worse when I opened her, as you can tell from the picture, it's pretty messy and there's more of that on the lid. Surprisingly enough, there was still a whole bunch of product left in the jar so I didn't have to get any replacements.
Tifa |
Tifa: dark chocolate brown. This is extremely similar to Locke without the red tint, as you will see in the swatches, and it's pigmented as well.
Cloud |
Cloud: pigmented dark base with blue shimmer. It's no surprise why this guy has two ladies wanting him - he's gorgeous.
Daylight: Rosa, Cecil, Celes, Locke, Aeris, Tifa, Cloud |
Flash: Rosa, Cecil, Celes, Locke, Aeris, Tifa, Cloud |
-----------February Subscription-----------
OP OP OP OP!: white with rainbow sparkles. This is supposed to be the exact opposite of AY SEXY LADY!! which is a black with rainbow sparkles. It certainly does the trick, and the jar has a hilarious image of Psy from the music video.
Ben and Jerry's the Only Men I Need |
Ben and Jerry's the Only Mean I Need: milk chocolate brown with caramel shimmer. I guess this is keeping with the Valentine's theme, sort of. I really like it though, it really does seem very ice-cream-y :P
Everything. No...seriously. |
Everything. No...seriously.: greenish gray with tons of rainbow sparkle. I wasn't really sure what this color was supposed to be and the name didn't really give any clues. Perhaps it was just a gigantic mash-up of extra colors? Either way, it's beautiful and the sparkles are mesmerizing; definitely one of my favorites from this haul.
Snowberries |
Snowberries: freshly drawn blood red gloss. I wasn't sure what this is inspired by, but it's very beautiful. It's pigmented and isn't sticky at all.
Daylight: OP OP OP OP!, Ben and Jerry's the Only Men I Need, Everything. No...seriously., Snowberries |
Flash: OP OP OP OP!, Ben and Jerry's the Only Men I Need, Everything. No...seriously., Snowberries |
Minty Butler |
Minty Butler: sheer white with blue sheen and red & white sparkles.
BMO is Eyeshadow |
BMO is Eyeshadow: shimmery and pigmented aquamarine. When Ashley first hinted at an Adventure Time collection I was SO excited because BMO is my favorite character (BMO and Marceline, actually), so I hoped she would have a color inspired by the cute GameBoy thing. Lo and behold, she did! This is the PERFECT color for BMO; I love it so much ahhh. Aquamarine isn't something I usually wear, but I couldn't resist and I definitely lovelovelove it.
1,000 Years, No Moral Code |
1,000 Years, No Moral Code: beautiful and pigmented blurple with red sparks. Yay, a color inspired by Marceline! This is another favorite of mine and very, very reminiscent of my favorite vampire queen.
Bus Stop |
Bus Stop: pigmented chocolate brown with red and yellow sparkles. I had put off getting this color for such a long time because I have enough browns to last me a lifetime. I really wanted to own a CatBus color though, so I gave in and finally added it. As soon as I swatched it, I said, "CatBus, you
minx!" I'm aware that CatBus might not even be a female, but godddd. You guys need this color; it applies beautifully and is absolutely STUNNING.
Sailor Mars (Rei) |
Sailor Mars (Rei): pigmented charcoal base with red sparks. The resulting color looks like a beautiful blackened burgundy.
NOPENOPENOPE: metallic pale reddish gold. It's almost rose gold, but not quite. This has the best texture; it's buttery and pigmented.
#yolo |
#yolo: matte acid green with gold sparkles.
Daylight: Minty Butler, BMO is Eyeshadow, 1,000 Years, No Moral Code, Bus Stop, Sailor Mars (Rei), NOPENOPENOPE, #yolo |
Flash: Minty Butler, BMO is Eyeshadow, 1,000 Years, No Moral Code, Bus Stop, Sailor Mars (Rei), NOPENOPENOPE, #yolo |
Whew, that's finally over! I'm glad I finally got my packages and everything was super impressive. Ashley was also a really great sport when I kept ranting to her about USPS (sorry, Ashley!). I really have to emphasize how she completely blew me away with BMO, Marceline, and CatBus shades because they were pretty important to me. It made the wait so worth it and I just want to hug BMO over and over ^_^ Also, for those who are worried about Victorian Disco's long TAT; Ashley is now focusing full-time on the company so the TAT has been shortened drastically. I really recommend her products and she's a wonderful person to contact if you have any concerns.
- Jolie ♥
That is quite the haul! Now I want to try out this company!
Thanks! It was a lot bigger than I expected :O I was hesitant to recommend VDC before because of the super long TAT, but now that it's her first priority you should try it! The products are really nice and Ashley is an amazing person; she's super active on Facebook and I always talk to her there.