Welcome back, everyone! I have swatches and reviews of
Notoriously Morbid's Wave 4 of their Buffy inspired "Slay Me" collection today. It came out in February and also marked the return of their Color of the Month series. A new Glass Tint was released as well and I have that for you here (spoiler alert - I really like it!). Last but not least, with the release of Wave 4 came two Gift With Purchases (GWPs) - a color for each of Buffy's men. Since I got a full mini sized set of Wave 4, I received both GWPs! Fans were also asked to vote for which one they liked more, the Spike shadow, or Angel shadow. I haven't finished the series, but I always loved Angel and Buffy's love story, but Spike's shadow was just too gorgeous to pass up, so I chose Spike :x
Onto swatches!
Pictures taken in daylight and swatched over NM's Shadow Bind (top/left half) and ELF Essential Primer (bottom/right half)
That's Why Her Hair is so Big, It's Full of Secrets |
That's Why Her Hair is so Big, It's Full of Secrets: gorgeous tawny with strong green sheen. This was actually a Morbid Mistake of the color "She's Full of Secrets", but Carrie decided to make the name more Mean Girls-esque. I was lovin the idea and was ecstatic to find out a Mean Girls collection may be coming out in the future!
Norwegian Wood |
Norwegian Wood: brown with strong gold overlay. This was February's CotM and is such a nice color for a neutral eye!
Passion |
Passion: gray base with strong blue sheen and pink sparkles. The Angel-inspired GWP! I find this so pretty and makes such a great inner corner highlight.
Unattainable |
Unattainable: stunning dark blue base with strong green sheen and pink sparkles. The Spike-inspired GWP! It's much more stunning in person and I recommend grabbing it if it becomes permanent.
Glass Blood Oranges |
Glass Blood Oranges: dark coral with a faint orange scent. I really love this one, it's very pigmented and moisturizing! The Coffin Kissers and Glass Tints don't generally work for moisturizing my lips, but this one does. It's actually a bit more pigmented than what my lip and face swatch shows, I'm not why it turned out so sheer in pictures. I've worn this several times already and like the pop of color. However, I have found it to fade a bit unevenly, so I do recommend putting a lip liner underneath to hide that.
Daylight: That's Why Her Hair is so Big, It's Full of Secrets, Norwegian Wood, Passion, Unattainable, Glass Blood Oranges |
Slay Me Wave 4
It's the White Hats |
It's the White Hats: matte white. It's pretty pigmented in itself, but I layered a LOT in this swatch because I hadn't let my sticky base dry before applying, so it got super patchy and weird :x Also, don't get this shadow anywhere near black pants because it's super super pigmented and will NOT come off without washing! With that said, I used this twice over regular primer and liked how it looked.
Bringers of the First |
Bringers of the First: matte mustard. It darkens a tiny bit over a sticky base, but matches my eyelid pretty well over regular primer. I've also used this once and it's so soft and blendable.
The Powers that Be |
The Powers that Be: matte sky blue. I'm actually interested in comparing this to their other matte blue shade, "The Dating Slayer" because they seem a bit similar in tone. It's not a shade I would really use often, but surprise surprise, I've used this once as well all over my lid and it goes on more subtle and blends beautifully.
Done |
Done: matte purple. This is a pretty shade as well, I haven't gotten to using it, but I think it's the only one left I haven't tried. I've been pretty tired this week so I've gone mostly for matte one shadow looks and strong winged liner.
Burn All the Witches |
Burn All the Witches: matte marsala. What a gorgeous shade! I actually really want this as a lip color as well, so if the ladies ever make a lipstick of this, that's where my money is going :)
Watcher to Father |
Watcher to Father: matte denim. Out of all the shades, this is the ones I've used the most. It's such a good shade to deepen the outer v and blends so so nicely. I like this and Lost in L.A. (from another Wave) a lot, and can see myself using it daily.
Daylight: It's the White Hats, Bringers of the First, The Powers That Be, Done, Burn All the Witches, Watcher to Father |
Overall, I really like this wave! I've been trying hard to get into matte shadows and see how they can work for me. I've noticed that these are great for a simple, no fuss look in the morning, especially if I want to go with a bold lip since even the brighter colors are subtle over regular primer. The textures are also super soft and silky, I don't have to try hard to blend out the edges at all. This is making me want to go back to the other Waves and see what I can do with those shades as well!
- Jolie ♥
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